The Government of Kenya is implementing a themed Madaraka Day Celebration commencing with a focus on MSMEs, Cooperatives, Trade and Revenue. The weeklong celebration will kick off with the 3rd Kenya International Investment Conference (KIICO 2023) themed “Unlocking Africa’s Gateway” on Monday 29th – Wednesday 31st May, 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya and will culminate into Madaraka Day celebrations to be held at the Moi Stadium in Embu County on 1st June, 2023.
Implemented through the Ministry of Investments, Trade, & Industry (MITI) in collaboration with Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) the conference will bring together over 2000 delegates from Government, Private Sector, development partners and none state actors as well as key Africa trading blocs.
It will comprise of 54 Africa Trade Ministers Working Retreat to develop the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) implementation matrix & Road map that will play a key role in opening the 1.3-billion-person market in Africa for Kenya’s Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and position Kenya as the gateway to Africa.
The conference will further feature the Africa Private Sector Alliance (APSA) Forum whose main aim is to bring together top 100 businesses in Africa under one roof to deliberate on Private Sector Growth and Development in the continent.
The 3rd KIICO 2023 conference will not only showcase investment opportunities, but also present bankable investment projects developed in partnership with Africa Exim Bank.
For more information about the conference visit or contact Mr. Joseph Kemboi on E-mail: | Tel: +254722854412 or Ms. Lydia Nangilah on E-mail:|Tel: +254718130071.