Kenya’s DusitD2 set to reopen, 7 months after attack

Dusit D2 Nairobi is set on Wednesday to hold a flag-raising ceremony to mark the official re-opening of the hotel.

Dusit was closed in January following a terror attack in which 21 people were killed.

According to organizers the flag will come back to Nairobi where it will be received by the general manager Michael Metaxas and a representative from the Ministry of Tourism at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

“Six DusitD2 properties across the world including  Thailand, Bhutan, China, Egypt and Dubai have hosted the Dusit D2 Nairobi flag to show support to the Hotel during its closure and in memory of the six colleagues lost during the January 15 terror attack,” read a statement from the Hotel.

Double Olympic Champion and World Record Holder in the 800 metres David Rudisha will be among those who will be present during the last mile run of the flag before reaching its destination.

Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala and Thai Ambassador Cherdkiat Atthakor will officially receive the flag at the Dusit D2 before handing over the flag to Recce Squad Officers for hoisting as Kenya national anthem is played.

Source: Capital FM Kenya.

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