The Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) is a State Corporation under the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives. The EPZA was established following the enactment of the Export Processing Zones (EPZ) Act Chapter 517 Laws of Kenya with the objective of promoting and facilitating export-oriented investments and the development of an enabling environment for investments in the export sector. The EPZA is among other things mandated under the said Act to issue licences and hold lease land on behalf of the Government of Kenya for the purposes of facilitating the development of export oriented industry and other related infrastructure.
Under the provisions of Regulation 4(2) of the Export Processing Zones Regulations 1991, EPZ developers are required by law to develop leased EPZ land within a period of twenty four (24) months from the date their application for designation of an area as an export processing zone is approved in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the EPZA. This condition also forms part of the lease agreements executed between the EPZA and the EPZ Enterprises.