Board of Directors

The Investment Promotion Act in section 16(i) gives the Board of Directors the overall responsibility of the Authority with the Chairman being a Presidential appointee for a period of three years. Other members are representatives of the Government in their various capacities and the Managing Director who is the Secretary to the Board. In its governance, the Board has established three (3) Committees consisting of:

  1. Strategy, Investment Promotion, Facilitation and Innovation Committee:

    This Committee has the overall mandate to ensure that all investment issues and the core function of KenInvest are maintained at all times. This includes the policy establishment of activities, for example the One Stop Shop to facilitate smooth entry to investors and after-care services. The Committees important task is to ensure the relevance of the strategic plan and sustained achievements of the set goals. The Committee is also responsible in assisting the Authority to work smarter in communicating effectively to investors, identify innovative processes and tools for better investment promotion and facilitation, developing a knowledge management system, monitoring the innovation indicator in the performance contract and ensuring the Authority continually improves on innovation.

  2. Finance, Human Resource and Administration Committee:

    This Committee is responsible for ensuring that KenInvest maintains and attracts high caliber of staff. The Committee handles all rationale of recruitment, organizations practices, attitudes, and staff motivation. This Committee also has the overall mandate to ensure that the budget is justified and adhered to, and that all expenditures are accounted for. They also have the mandate that all quarterly reports are presented in a timely fashion to the Board prior to the same being submitted to the Parent Ministry. All financial policies are discussed in this Committee.

  3. Audit and Governance Committee:

The Audit Committee has the duty to ensure that audit queries and issues are resolved and communicated to Kenya National Audit Office (KENAO) within the stipulated period.

Ms Sally Njambi Mahihu


Ms. Geraldine Kyalo

Alt Member/The National Treasury

Mr. Timothy W. Mwangi

Alt Member/Ministry - State Department for Lands and Physical Planning

Mr. Reuben Ngeno

Alt Member/State Department for Investment Promotion

Mr. Richard Ipero Omelu


Ms. Rebecca Kimeto

Private Sector

Dr.Ruth Bosire

Alt Member/State Department for Agriculture

Ms Floice Makabana


Mr. James Muoki Mulatya

Alt Member/Office of the Deputy President

Mr. Peter Maina Gachunga

Private Sector

Mr. Dickson Karukwa Murira

Alt Member/Office of the Cabinet Secretary

Col (Rtd) Khalif Aden Shabell

Private Sector

Mr. David Wamahiu Kiboi

Alt Member/State Department for Economic Planning

Ms. Khadija Wanjiru Mustafa

Private Sector

Ms. Florence Mukami Wangui

Private Sector

Ms. Theresa Jepkemei Chepkwony

Private Sector

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